Understanding the spectrum and visually applying them for business needs
Traditionally, there are three different options companies consider, but in actuality there isn’t a hard delineation between them so the right approach may fall in the middle.
On one end of the spectrum the architecture offers flexibility and visual variability throughout the portfolio.
Sitting in the middle is an approach that borrows from both ends pairing rigidity and flexibility as necessary.
The other end of the spectrum elevates consistency to ensure it is recognizable to the consumer.

Understanding the spectrum and visually applying them for business needs
Traditionally, there are three different options companies consider, but in actuality there isn’t a hard delineation between them so the right approach may fall in the middle.
On one end of the spectrum the architecture offers flexibility and visual variability throughout the portfolio.
Sitting in the middle is an approach that borrows from both ends pairing rigidity and flexibility as necessary.
The other end of the spectrum elevates consistency to ensure it is recognizable to the consumer.
Understanding the spectrum and visually applying them for business needs
Traditionally, there are three different options companies consider, but in actuality there isn’t a hard delineation between them so the right approach may fall in the middle.
On one end of the spectrum the architecture offers flexibility and visual variability throughout the portfolio.
Sitting in the middle is an approach that borrows from both ends pairing rigidity and flexibility as necessary.
The other end of the spectrum elevates consistency to ensure it is recognizable to the consumer.

Understanding the spectrum and visually applying them for business needs
Traditionally, there are three different options companies consider, but in actuality there isn’t a hard delineation between them so the right approach may fall in the middle.
On one end of the spectrum the architecture offers flexibility and visual variability throughout the portfolio.
Sitting in the middle is an approach that borrows from both ends pairing rigidity and flexibility as necessary.
The other end of the spectrum elevates consistency to ensure it is recognizable to the consumer.
Understanding the spectrum and visually applying them for business needs
Traditionally, there are three different options companies consider, but in actuality there isn’t a hard delineation between them so the right approach may fall in the middle.
On one end of the spectrum the architecture offers flexibility and visual variability throughout the portfolio.
Sitting in the middle is an approach that borrows from both ends pairing rigidity and flexibility as necessary.
The other end of the spectrum elevates consistency to ensure it is recognizable to the consumer.
Understanding the spectrum and visually applying them for business needs
Traditionally, there are three different options companies consider, but in actuality there isn’t a hard delineation between them so the right approach may fall in the middle.
On one end of the spectrum the architecture offers flexibility and visual variability throughout the portfolio.
Sitting in the middle is an approach that borrows from both ends pairing rigidity and flexibility as necessary.
The other end of the spectrum elevates consistency to ensure it is recognizable to the consumer.
Understanding the spectrum and visually applying them for business needs
Traditionally, there are three different options companies consider, but in actuality there isn’t a hard delineation between them so the right approach may fall in the middle.
On one end of the spectrum the architecture offers flexibility and visual variability throughout the portfolio.
Sitting in the middle is an approach that borrows from both ends pairing rigidity and flexibility as necessary.
The other end of the spectrum elevates consistency to ensure it is recognizable to the consumer.
Custom Approach
When we started our relationship with Califia in 2012, the company was in a very different mindset compared to today. Our initial task was to help build out their portfolio into new product verticals as they quickly innovated product lines to entice new consumer groups. They wanted to focus on driving distinction and competing visually with existing brands in each new space while maintaining brand honesty, not necessarily focusing on directing recognition back to their flagship product, Almond Milk.
Custom Approach
When we started our relationship with Califia in 2012, the company was in a very different mindset compared to today. Our initial task was to help build out their portfolio into new product verticals as they quickly innovated product lines to entice new consumer groups. They wanted to focus on driving distinction and competing visually with existing brands in each new space while maintaining brand honesty, not necessarily focusing on directing recognition back to their flagship product, Almond Milk.
Custom Approach
When we started our relationship with Califia in 2012, the company was in a very different mindset compared to today. Our initial task was to help build out their portfolio into new product verticals as they quickly innovated product lines to entice new consumer groups. They wanted to focus on driving distinction and competing visually with existing brands in each new space while maintaining brand honesty, not necessarily focusing on directing recognition back to their flagship product, Almond Milk.
Custom Approach
When we started our relationship with Califia in 2012, the company was in a very different mindset compared to today. Our initial task was to help build out their portfolio into new product verticals as they quickly innovated product lines to entice new consumer groups. They wanted to focus on driving distinction and competing visually with existing brands in each new space while maintaining brand honesty, not necessarily focusing on directing recognition back to their flagship product, Almond Milk.
Custom Approach
When we started our relationship with Califia in 2012, the company was in a very different mindset compared to today. Our initial task was to help build out their portfolio into new product verticals as they quickly innovated product lines to entice new consumer groups. They wanted to focus on driving distinction and competing visually with existing brands in each new space while maintaining brand honesty, not necessarily focusing on directing recognition back to their flagship product, Almond Milk.
Custom Approach
When we started our relationship with Califia in 2012, the company was in a very different mindset compared to today. Our initial task was to help build out their portfolio into new product verticals as they quickly innovated product lines to entice new consumer groups. They wanted to focus on driving distinction and competing visually with existing brands in each new space while maintaining brand honesty, not necessarily focusing on directing recognition back to their flagship product, Almond Milk.
Custom Approach
When we started our relationship with Califia in 2012, the company was in a very different mindset compared to today. Our initial task was to help build out their portfolio into new product verticals as they quickly innovated product lines to entice new consumer groups. They wanted to focus on driving distinction and competing visually with existing brands in each new space while maintaining brand honesty, not necessarily focusing on directing recognition back to their flagship product, Almond Milk.

What to consider
Custom architecture system
The obvious benefit is the fact that this approach allows for flexibility when selecting colors, typography, illustration styles and form factors to best connect with the consumer emotionally. In some brands, this variability can be extreme and visually dramatic to the point of seeing very little similarity between products.
Though, the more variable the lineup, the more brand management is necessary to maintain successful design quality and strategic purpose to ensure the brand equity is not lost in the process.
As the company innovates, each new product gets its own brief with an expectation of a wide exploration of design possibilities in Round 1.
We see this approach quite often in the early stages of companies when they are eager to capture several demographics and don’t want to appear like a larger or more corporate brand.
What to consider
Custom architecture system
The obvious benefit is the fact that this approach allows for flexibility when selecting colors, typography, illustration styles and form factors to best connect with the consumer emotionally. In some brands, this variability can be extreme and visually dramatic to the point of seeing very little similarity between products.
Though, the more variable the lineup, the more brand management is necessary to maintain successful design quality and strategic purpose to ensure the brand equity is not lost in the process.
As the company innovates, each new product gets its own brief with an expectation of a wide exploration of design possibilities in Round 1.
We see this approach quite often in the early stages of companies when they are eager to capture several demographics and don’t want to appear like a larger or more corporate brand.
What to consider
Custom architecture system
The obvious benefit is the fact that this approach allows for flexibility when selecting colors, typography, illustration styles and form factors to best connect with the consumer emotionally. In some brands, this variability can be extreme and visually dramatic to the point of seeing very little similarity between products.
Though, the more variable the lineup, the more brand management is necessary to maintain successful design quality and strategic purpose to ensure the brand equity is not lost in the process.
As the company innovates, each new product gets its own brief with an expectation of a wide exploration of design possibilities in Round 1.
We see this approach quite often in the early stages of companies when they are eager to capture several demographics and don’t want to appear like a larger or more corporate brand.
What to consider
Custom architecture system
The obvious benefit is the fact that this approach allows for flexibility when selecting colors, typography, illustration styles and form factors to best connect with the consumer emotionally. In some brands, this variability can be extreme and visually dramatic to the point of seeing very little similarity between products.
Though, the more variable the lineup, the more brand management is necessary to maintain successful design quality and strategic purpose to ensure the brand equity is not lost in the process.
As the company innovates, each new product gets its own brief with an expectation of a wide exploration of design possibilities in Round 1.
We see this approach quite often in the early stages of companies when they are eager to capture several demographics and don’t want to appear like a larger or more corporate brand.
What to consider
Custom architecture system
The obvious benefit is the fact that this approach allows for flexibility when selecting colors, typography, illustration styles and form factors to best connect with the consumer emotionally. In some brands, this variability can be extreme and visually dramatic to the point of seeing very little similarity between products.
Though, the more variable the lineup, the more brand management is necessary to maintain successful design quality and strategic purpose to ensure the brand equity is not lost in the process.
As the company innovates, each new product gets its own brief with an expectation of a wide exploration of design possibilities in Round 1.
We see this approach quite often in the early stages of companies when they are eager to capture several demographics and don’t want to appear like a larger or more corporate brand.
What to consider
Custom architecture system
The obvious benefit is the fact that this approach allows for flexibility when selecting colors, typography, illustration styles and form factors to best connect with the consumer emotionally. In some brands, this variability can be extreme and visually dramatic to the point of seeing very little similarity between products.
Though, the more variable the lineup, the more brand management is necessary to maintain successful design quality and strategic purpose to ensure the brand equity is not lost in the process.
As the company innovates, each new product gets its own brief with an expectation of a wide exploration of design possibilities in Round 1.
We see this approach quite often in the early stages of companies when they are eager to capture several demographics and don’t want to appear like a larger or more corporate brand.
What to consider
Custom architecture system
The obvious benefit is the fact that this approach allows for flexibility when selecting colors, typography, illustration styles and form factors to best connect with the consumer emotionally. In some brands, this variability can be extreme and visually dramatic to the point of seeing very little similarity between products.
Though, the more variable the lineup, the more brand management is necessary to maintain successful design quality and strategic purpose to ensure the brand equity is not lost in the process.
As the company innovates, each new product gets its own brief with an expectation of a wide exploration of design possibilities in Round 1.
We see this approach quite often in the early stages of companies when they are eager to capture several demographics and don’t want to appear like a larger or more corporate brand.

Hybrid Approach
As Califia grew to become a global company, they faced new challenges. They were no longer interested in a visually complex portfolio that spanned 200+ SKUs. 2022 was a time to reassess the best approach to ensure products could shift organically between the iconic Carafe bottle to Tetra Paks, large multi-serve to single-serve options, and made new product roll-out processes streamlined and easier for the brand managers.
Hybrid Approach
As Califia grew to become a global company, they faced new challenges. They were no longer interested in a visually complex portfolio that spanned 200+ SKUs. 2022 was a time to reassess the best approach to ensure products could shift organically between the iconic Carafe bottle to Tetra Paks, large multi-serve to single-serve options, and made new product roll-out processes streamlined and easier for the brand managers.
Hybrid Approach
As Califia grew to become a global company, they faced new challenges. They were no longer interested in a visually complex portfolio that spanned 200+ SKUs. 2022 was a time to reassess the best approach to ensure products could shift organically between the iconic Carafe bottle to Tetra Paks, large multi-serve to single-serve options, and made new product roll-out processes streamlined and easier for the brand managers.
Hybrid Approach
As Califia grew to become a global company, they faced new challenges. They were no longer interested in a visually complex portfolio that spanned 200+ SKUs. 2022 was a time to reassess the best approach to ensure products could shift organically between the iconic Carafe bottle to Tetra Paks, large multi-serve to single-serve options, and made new product roll-out processes streamlined and easier for the brand managers.
Hybrid Approach
As Califia grew to become a global company, they faced new challenges. They were no longer interested in a visually complex portfolio that spanned 200+ SKUs. 2022 was a time to reassess the best approach to ensure products could shift organically between the iconic Carafe bottle to Tetra Paks, large multi-serve to single-serve options, and made new product roll-out processes streamlined and easier for the brand managers.
Hybrid Approach
As Califia grew to become a global company, they faced new challenges. They were no longer interested in a visually complex portfolio that spanned 200+ SKUs. 2022 was a time to reassess the best approach to ensure products could shift organically between the iconic Carafe bottle to Tetra Paks, large multi-serve to single-serve options, and made new product roll-out processes streamlined and easier for the brand managers.
Hybrid Approach
As Califia grew to become a global company, they faced new challenges. They were no longer interested in a visually complex portfolio that spanned 200+ SKUs. 2022 was a time to reassess the best approach to ensure products could shift organically between the iconic Carafe bottle to Tetra Paks, large multi-serve to single-serve options, and made new product roll-out processes streamlined and easier for the brand managers.

What to consider
Hybrid architecture system
At this stage in their growth, Califia wanted to build brand recognition and we determined the best approach was to create a space for the brand to live in a bold, consistent and recognizable way. This “brand zone” allowed consumers to shop by brand in any aisle Califia products were shelved.
We also determined that the consumer enjoyed the variability of the previous designs as it greatly aided in shopability. In the “product zone,” much of the unique characteristics were able to be reutilized without becoming a visual disruption. The “strike zone” is the area where the consumer ultimately makes the decision to purchase. As a sliding scale, we often see Hybrid architectures that lean more towards the Custom or Monolithic yet still maintain a balance of rigidity and flexibility. (Complex Hybrid or Simple Hybrid) This architecture greatly reduced the number of variables but by keeping a flexible product zone, it can deviate towards the complex.
With this approach, we will still get a brief for each new product but both the Farm and Califia know the a few visual guideposts that must be considered in Round 1 creative exploration.
What to consider
Hybrid architecture system
At this stage in their growth, Califia wanted to build brand recognition and we determined the best approach was to create a space for the brand to live in a bold, consistent and recognizable way. This “brand zone” allowed consumers to shop by brand in any aisle Califia products were shelved.
We also determined that the consumer enjoyed the variability of the previous designs as it greatly aided in shopability. In the “product zone,” much of the unique characteristics were able to be reutilized without becoming a visual disruption. The “strike zone” is the area where the consumer ultimately makes the decision to purchase. As a sliding scale, we often see Hybrid architectures that lean more towards the Custom or Monolithic yet still maintain a balance of rigidity and flexibility. (Complex Hybrid or Simple Hybrid) This architecture greatly reduced the number of variables but by keeping a flexible product zone, it can deviate towards the complex.
With this approach, we will still get a brief for each new product but both the Farm and Califia know the a few visual guideposts that must be considered in Round 1 creative exploration.
What to consider
Hybrid architecture system
At this stage in their growth, Califia wanted to build brand recognition and we determined the best approach was to create a space for the brand to live in a bold, consistent and recognizable way. This “brand zone” allowed consumers to shop by brand in any aisle Califia products were shelved.
We also determined that the consumer enjoyed the variability of the previous designs as it greatly aided in shopability. In the “product zone,” much of the unique characteristics were able to be reutilized without becoming a visual disruption. The “strike zone” is the area where the consumer ultimately makes the decision to purchase. As a sliding scale, we often see Hybrid architectures that lean more towards the Custom or Monolithic yet still maintain a balance of rigidity and flexibility. (Complex Hybrid or Simple Hybrid) This architecture greatly reduced the number of variables but by keeping a flexible product zone, it can deviate towards the complex.
With this approach, we will still get a brief for each new product but both the Farm and Califia know the a few visual guideposts that must be considered in Round 1 creative exploration.
What to consider
Hybrid architecture system
At this stage in their growth, Califia wanted to build brand recognition and we determined the best approach was to create a space for the brand to live in a bold, consistent and recognizable way. This “brand zone” allowed consumers to shop by brand in any aisle Califia products were shelved.
We also determined that the consumer enjoyed the variability of the previous designs as it greatly aided in shopability. In the “product zone,” much of the unique characteristics were able to be reutilized without becoming a visual disruption. The “strike zone” is the area where the consumer ultimately makes the decision to purchase. As a sliding scale, we often see Hybrid architectures that lean more towards the Custom or Monolithic yet still maintain a balance of rigidity and flexibility. (Complex Hybrid or Simple Hybrid) This architecture greatly reduced the number of variables but by keeping a flexible product zone, it can deviate towards the complex.
With this approach, we will still get a brief for each new product but both the Farm and Califia know the a few visual guideposts that must be considered in Round 1 creative exploration.
What to consider
Hybrid architecture system
At this stage in their growth, Califia wanted to build brand recognition and we determined the best approach was to create a space for the brand to live in a bold, consistent and recognizable way. This “brand zone” allowed consumers to shop by brand in any aisle Califia products were shelved.
We also determined that the consumer enjoyed the variability of the previous designs as it greatly aided in shopability. In the “product zone,” much of the unique characteristics were able to be reutilized without becoming a visual disruption. The “strike zone” is the area where the consumer ultimately makes the decision to purchase. As a sliding scale, we often see Hybrid architectures that lean more towards the Custom or Monolithic yet still maintain a balance of rigidity and flexibility. (Complex Hybrid or Simple Hybrid) This architecture greatly reduced the number of variables but by keeping a flexible product zone, it can deviate towards the complex.
With this approach, we will still get a brief for each new product but both the Farm and Califia know the a few visual guideposts that must be considered in Round 1 creative exploration.
What to consider
Hybrid architecture system
At this stage in their growth, Califia wanted to build brand recognition and we determined the best approach was to create a space for the brand to live in a bold, consistent and recognizable way. This “brand zone” allowed consumers to shop by brand in any aisle Califia products were shelved.
We also determined that the consumer enjoyed the variability of the previous designs as it greatly aided in shopability. In the “product zone,” much of the unique characteristics were able to be reutilized without becoming a visual disruption. The “strike zone” is the area where the consumer ultimately makes the decision to purchase. As a sliding scale, we often see Hybrid architectures that lean more towards the Custom or Monolithic yet still maintain a balance of rigidity and flexibility. (Complex Hybrid or Simple Hybrid) This architecture greatly reduced the number of variables but by keeping a flexible product zone, it can deviate towards the complex.
With this approach, we will still get a brief for each new product but both the Farm and Califia know the a few visual guideposts that must be considered in Round 1 creative exploration.
What to consider
Hybrid architecture system
At this stage in their growth, Califia wanted to build brand recognition and we determined the best approach was to create a space for the brand to live in a bold, consistent and recognizable way. This “brand zone” allowed consumers to shop by brand in any aisle Califia products were shelved.
We also determined that the consumer enjoyed the variability of the previous designs as it greatly aided in shopability. In the “product zone,” much of the unique characteristics were able to be reutilized without becoming a visual disruption. The “strike zone” is the area where the consumer ultimately makes the decision to purchase. As a sliding scale, we often see Hybrid architectures that lean more towards the Custom or Monolithic yet still maintain a balance of rigidity and flexibility. (Complex Hybrid or Simple Hybrid) This architecture greatly reduced the number of variables but by keeping a flexible product zone, it can deviate towards the complex.
With this approach, we will still get a brief for each new product but both the Farm and Califia know the a few visual guideposts that must be considered in Round 1 creative exploration.

Monolithic Approach
Though Califia decided to stay away from a monolithic architecture approach, it was important to explore in each discovery phase to pressure test the viability. We find there are typically two times this approach is highly desirable: when the company is young with only a few products to focus on and after a company has grown to develop a difficult to manage portfolio and needs a reset. Different stages and challenges yet both are looking to build brand awareness through consistency.
Monolithic Approach
Though Califia decided to stay away from a monolithic architecture approach, it was important to explore in each discovery phase to pressure test the viability. We find there are typically two times this approach is highly desirable: when the company is young with only a few products to focus on and after a company has grown to develop a difficult to manage portfolio and needs a reset. Different stages and challenges yet both are looking to build brand awareness through consistency.
Monolithic Approach
Though Califia decided to stay away from a monolithic architecture approach, it was important to explore in each discovery phase to pressure test the viability. We find there are typically two times this approach is highly desirable: when the company is young with only a few products to focus on and after a company has grown to develop a difficult to manage portfolio and needs a reset. Different stages and challenges yet both are looking to build brand awareness through consistency.
Monolithic Approach
Though Califia decided to stay away from a monolithic architecture approach, it was important to explore in each discovery phase to pressure test the viability. We find there are typically two times this approach is highly desirable: when the company is young with only a few products to focus on and after a company has grown to develop a difficult to manage portfolio and needs a reset. Different stages and challenges yet both are looking to build brand awareness through consistency.
Monolithic Approach
Though Califia decided to stay away from a monolithic architecture approach, it was important to explore in each discovery phase to pressure test the viability. We find there are typically two times this approach is highly desirable: when the company is young with only a few products to focus on and after a company has grown to develop a difficult to manage portfolio and needs a reset. Different stages and challenges yet both are looking to build brand awareness through consistency.
Monolithic Approach
Though Califia decided to stay away from a monolithic architecture approach, it was important to explore in each discovery phase to pressure test the viability. We find there are typically two times this approach is highly desirable: when the company is young with only a few products to focus on and after a company has grown to develop a difficult to manage portfolio and needs a reset. Different stages and challenges yet both are looking to build brand awareness through consistency.
Monolithic Approach
Though Califia decided to stay away from a monolithic architecture approach, it was important to explore in each discovery phase to pressure test the viability. We find there are typically two times this approach is highly desirable: when the company is young with only a few products to focus on and after a company has grown to develop a difficult to manage portfolio and needs a reset. Different stages and challenges yet both are looking to build brand awareness through consistency.

What to consider
Monolithic Architecture System
Some brands shy away from universal design approaches because they fear it will become monotonous for their consumers but in reality, their product is only one decision the consumer needs to make out of potentially thousands of products in a store. By creating immediately distinguishable products the brand can create break-through designs through recognition while building shelf and brand blocking to dominate the shelf.
Brand recognition is where this approach shines and relies on a solid architecture that can ensure shopability. With small but distinct shifts, the consumer can easily navigate a complex portfolio.
When we are briefed with new products, both our client and our design team have a very clear idea where to begin the Round 1 process. There is always discovery in finding the correct avenue to aid in shopping but the starting point remains close to home.
What to consider
Monolithic Architecture System
Some brands shy away from universal design approaches because they fear it will become monotonous for their consumers but in reality, their product is only one decision the consumer needs to make out of potentially thousands of products in a store. By creating immediately distinguishable products the brand can create break-through designs through recognition while building shelf and brand blocking to dominate the shelf.
Brand recognition is where this approach shines and relies on a solid architecture that can ensure shopability. With small but distinct shifts, the consumer can easily navigate a complex portfolio.
When we are briefed with new products, both our client and our design team have a very clear idea where to begin the Round 1 process. There is always discovery in finding the correct avenue to aid in shopping but the starting point remains close to home.
What to consider
Monolithic Architecture System
Some brands shy away from universal design approaches because they fear it will become monotonous for their consumers but in reality, their product is only one decision the consumer needs to make out of potentially thousands of products in a store. By creating immediately distinguishable products the brand can create break-through designs through recognition while building shelf and brand blocking to dominate the shelf.
Brand recognition is where this approach shines and relies on a solid architecture that can ensure shopability. With small but distinct shifts, the consumer can easily navigate a complex portfolio.
When we are briefed with new products, both our client and our design team have a very clear idea where to begin the Round 1 process. There is always discovery in finding the correct avenue to aid in shopping but the starting point remains close to home.
What to consider
Monolithic Architecture System
Some brands shy away from universal design approaches because they fear it will become monotonous for their consumers but in reality, their product is only one decision the consumer needs to make out of potentially thousands of products in a store. By creating immediately distinguishable products the brand can create break-through designs through recognition while building shelf and brand blocking to dominate the shelf.
Brand recognition is where this approach shines and relies on a solid architecture that can ensure shopability. With small but distinct shifts, the consumer can easily navigate a complex portfolio.
When we are briefed with new products, both our client and our design team have a very clear idea where to begin the Round 1 process. There is always discovery in finding the correct avenue to aid in shopping but the starting point remains close to home.
What to consider
Monolithic Architecture System
Some brands shy away from universal design approaches because they fear it will become monotonous for their consumers but in reality, their product is only one decision the consumer needs to make out of potentially thousands of products in a store. By creating immediately distinguishable products the brand can create break-through designs through recognition while building shelf and brand blocking to dominate the shelf.
Brand recognition is where this approach shines and relies on a solid architecture that can ensure shopability. With small but distinct shifts, the consumer can easily navigate a complex portfolio.
When we are briefed with new products, both our client and our design team have a very clear idea where to begin the Round 1 process. There is always discovery in finding the correct avenue to aid in shopping but the starting point remains close to home.
What to consider
Monolithic Architecture System
Some brands shy away from universal design approaches because they fear it will become monotonous for their consumers but in reality, their product is only one decision the consumer needs to make out of potentially thousands of products in a store. By creating immediately distinguishable products the brand can create break-through designs through recognition while building shelf and brand blocking to dominate the shelf.
Brand recognition is where this approach shines and relies on a solid architecture that can ensure shopability. With small but distinct shifts, the consumer can easily navigate a complex portfolio.
When we are briefed with new products, both our client and our design team have a very clear idea where to begin the Round 1 process. There is always discovery in finding the correct avenue to aid in shopping but the starting point remains close to home.
What to consider
Monolithic Architecture System
Some brands shy away from universal design approaches because they fear it will become monotonous for their consumers but in reality, their product is only one decision the consumer needs to make out of potentially thousands of products in a store. By creating immediately distinguishable products the brand can create break-through designs through recognition while building shelf and brand blocking to dominate the shelf.
Brand recognition is where this approach shines and relies on a solid architecture that can ensure shopability. With small but distinct shifts, the consumer can easily navigate a complex portfolio.
When we are briefed with new products, both our client and our design team have a very clear idea where to begin the Round 1 process. There is always discovery in finding the correct avenue to aid in shopping but the starting point remains close to home.

Selecting an approach is determined
by several strategic factors
When discussing the options with our clients, we are often asked which direction is best and that’s difficult to answer without a proper strategy phase where we learn as much as we can about your company, products, challenges, attributes, goals and competition.
During this exploration we have learned to uncover and then challenge some of the fundamental successes the business is hoping to achieve through branding and packaging. By offering an outside perspective on the company, product and landscape we’re able to discuss solutions that are the best options—at that time.
Brands are not static entities and over time the needs of a business will shift. This may be based on growth, innovations, customer needs, retailer opportunities or simply the need to adapt with the times.
There is no plug-and-play solution as every project has its own unique problems to solve. Hopefully, this reference builds a sense of clarity and confidence in making decisions that are right for your business—right now.
Selecting an approach is determined
by several strategic factors
When discussing the options with our clients, we are often asked which direction is best and that’s difficult to answer without a proper strategy phase where we learn as much as we can about your company, products, challenges, attributes, goals and competition.
During this exploration we have learned to uncover and then challenge some of the fundamental successes the business is hoping to achieve through branding and packaging. By offering an outside perspective on the company, product and landscape we’re able to discuss solutions that are the best options—at that time.
Brands are not static entities and over time the needs of a business will shift. This may be based on growth, innovations, customer needs, retailer opportunities or simply the need to adapt with the times.
There is no plug-and-play solution as every project has its own unique problems to solve. Hopefully, this reference builds a sense of clarity and confidence in making decisions that are right for your business—right now.
Selecting an approach is determined
by several strategic factors
When discussing the options with our clients, we are often asked which direction is best and that’s difficult to answer without a proper strategy phase where we learn as much as we can about your company, products, challenges, attributes, goals and competition.
During this exploration we have learned to uncover and then challenge some of the fundamental successes the business is hoping to achieve through branding and packaging. By offering an outside perspective on the company, product and landscape we’re able to discuss solutions that are the best options—at that time.
Brands are not static entities and over time the needs of a business will shift. This may be based on growth, innovations, customer needs, retailer opportunities or simply the need to adapt with the times.
There is no plug-and-play solution as every project has its own unique problems to solve. Hopefully, this reference builds a sense of clarity and confidence in making decisions that are right for your business—right now.
Selecting an approach is determined
by several strategic factors
When discussing the options with our clients, we are often asked which direction is best and that’s difficult to answer without a proper strategy phase where we learn as much as we can about your company, products, challenges, attributes, goals and competition.
During this exploration we have learned to uncover and then challenge some of the fundamental successes the business is hoping to achieve through branding and packaging. By offering an outside perspective on the company, product and landscape we’re able to discuss solutions that are the best options—at that time.
Brands are not static entities and over time the needs of a business will shift. This may be based on growth, innovations, customer needs, retailer opportunities or simply the need to adapt with the times.
There is no plug-and-play solution as every project has its own unique problems to solve. Hopefully, this reference builds a sense of clarity and confidence in making decisions that are right for your business—right now.
Selecting an approach is determined
by several strategic factors
When discussing the options with our clients, we are often asked which direction is best and that’s difficult to answer without a proper strategy phase where we learn as much as we can about your company, products, challenges, attributes, goals and competition.
During this exploration we have learned to uncover and then challenge some of the fundamental successes the business is hoping to achieve through branding and packaging. By offering an outside perspective on the company, product and landscape we’re able to discuss solutions that are the best options—at that time.
Brands are not static entities and over time the needs of a business will shift. This may be based on growth, innovations, customer needs, retailer opportunities or simply the need to adapt with the times.
There is no plug-and-play solution as every project has its own unique problems to solve. Hopefully, this reference builds a sense of clarity and confidence in making decisions that are right for your business—right now.
Selecting an approach is determined
by several strategic factors
When discussing the options with our clients, we are often asked which direction is best and that’s difficult to answer without a proper strategy phase where we learn as much as we can about your company, products, challenges, attributes, goals and competition.
During this exploration we have learned to uncover and then challenge some of the fundamental successes the business is hoping to achieve through branding and packaging. By offering an outside perspective on the company, product and landscape we’re able to discuss solutions that are the best options—at that time.
Brands are not static entities and over time the needs of a business will shift. This may be based on growth, innovations, customer needs, retailer opportunities or simply the need to adapt with the times.
There is no plug-and-play solution as every project has its own unique problems to solve. Hopefully, this reference builds a sense of clarity and confidence in making decisions that are right for your business—right now.
Selecting an approach is determined
by several strategic factors
When discussing the options with our clients, we are often asked which direction is best and that’s difficult to answer without a proper strategy phase where we learn as much as we can about your company, products, challenges, attributes, goals and competition.
During this exploration we have learned to uncover and then challenge some of the fundamental successes the business is hoping to achieve through branding and packaging. By offering an outside perspective on the company, product and landscape we’re able to discuss solutions that are the best options—at that time.
Brands are not static entities and over time the needs of a business will shift. This may be based on growth, innovations, customer needs, retailer opportunities or simply the need to adapt with the times.
There is no plug-and-play solution as every project has its own unique problems to solve. Hopefully, this reference builds a sense of clarity and confidence in making decisions that are right for your business—right now.